Real Beauty Doesn’t Rinse Off
Afternoon, darling ones! Just a quick message today since I’m up to my eyeballs, but it’s one I think we all need to be reminded of from time to time: REAL BEAUTY DOESN’T RINSE OFF. I think we can all remember being told, “Beauty is as beauty does.” But somewhere along the way that message…
Read MoreGiving Up Perfect…
Good day my lovelies! Yes it’s me. Not dead. Not on life support. Not in jail. But I recently found myself in need of some radical time off while I figured out why I had become a walking zombie who couldn’t hold a creative thought in her head, or remember why she’d walked into a room……
Read MoreA Life Worth Savoring…
Good day, my lovelies! The pace of life has definitely ticked up a notch since When Never Comes hit April’s Amazon First Reads list, and that’s a good thing! But more demands on my time means less time for savoring the actual fruits of my labors, which is probably why I’ve been thinking a lot…
Read MoreThe “book stork” & my 40 lb. bundle of joy!
As some of you may know (and may be sick of hearing by now) my fifth novel, WHEN NEVER COMES, is due out on May 1st, and the last two days have been an absolute joy. And yesterday, the UPS man (aka: the book stork) brought me a big beautiful box of… you guessed it……
Read MoreFirst Drafts and the Art of Imperfection
This week I’ve been working on the first chapter of my brand new novel, and I don’t mind telling you, it’s been going spectacularly. And by spectacularly, I mean it’s been a bit of a disaster. You see, I’m a perfectionist. Now I know that sounds like a good thing, perhaps even a bit of…
Read MoreWhen Being Scared & Being Brave Are The Same Thing
Two years ago, while cleaning the toilet, (swear to God) I was given a gift—a shiny new idea for a book. It came as many of my ideas seem to, out of nowhere and nearly fully formed. Thrilled, I dropped what I was doing, (the toilet, remember?) and rushed to find a pen and…
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